Wednesday 19 August 2015

Pedro to Chelsea after Manchetser United lose interest

Chelsea has agreed a deal with FC Barcelona to sign their winger, Pedro, 28, for a reported fee of £21.2 million, the Spanish international is already in London, ready to perform his medical. Manchester United has now dropped all interest in signing Pedro, after seemingly being clear favorites to sign him on Tuesday. United had their chance to sign Pedro earlier on in the transfer window but haggled to get him at a lower price.

Now that Chelsea are favorites to gain Pedro, United are attempting to make amends by now over spending on Thomas Muller for a reported £60 million but Bayern Munich have said that the German is “not for sale.”

With two ex-teams mates of Pedro, one being Fabregas, who plays for Chelsea, and the other being Victor Valdes with Manchester United, it’s  been reported that he spoke to both and got their views on where he should join with both having to very contrasting times at both clubs. Fabregas had such an effective season and playing most matches for Chelsea he had advised the Spanish International to join him but with Victor Valdes not playing at all and being frozen out of the squad completely, he has told his ex-team mate not to join United and spoke about his views on Louis Van Gaal.

This is not the first time Chelsea have went under a rival clubs nose and taken their signing. In 2013, Tottenham were interested in signing the Brazilian winger, Willian, but again at the last minute Chelsea swooped in to steal the player, even though the winger had already had a medical at Spurs. 

Rumors have it that Pedro was already unsure about joining United, with Louis Van Gaal last season not playing Angel Di Maria for majority of the season and then selling him to PSG. Pedro would make a fine addition to the Chelsea squad, adding more depth and competition with a Barca-esque style of attacking. 

Manchester United are reported to have lodged a bid for Southampton's, Sadio Mane, but the amount of money at this point is unclear. Are Manchester United right to allow Pedro to go to Chelsea or should they stay in the race for his signature? 

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